An Immigration Evaluation is a Psychological Assessment that is used to help Immigration Courts determine if an individual will be able to remain lawfully in the United States. An Immigration Evaluation begins once your attorney makes the recommendation that you and/or other members of your family (e.g., a child, a spouse) should undergo a psychological evaluation. We would speak with your attorney and gather pertinent information about your case and its specific legal issues.

The Immigration Evaluation itself includes in-depth interviews that usually involves between 2-3 meetings. During the evaluation process, we administer assessment tools, which could either be self- administered or read by the mental health professional. These diagnostic tools are validated and reliable testing measures that are used to assess your current or recent symptoms.

The clinical interview itself is an in-depth interview that consists of questions about yourself and your immigration case. The topics include, but are not limited to, your current immigration situation, your personal, marital and family history, your employment history, and your medical and psychiatric history that are relevant to your case. We also include behavioral observations, symptoms of the client, DSM-5 diagnosis, recommendations for treatment if the client is experiencing mental health issues, consequences and risks of intensification of emotional and psychological health in case the waiver is denied.

We will then write a report and send it to your attorney by recollecting the results from the assessment tools which are scored, interpreted and then integrated into the narrative.

Having a thorough and in-depth completed evaluation report could make a huge difference in the outcome of your case.

For many individuals and families going through this process , sharing their pains, challenges, stressors and even traumas associated with their immigration process is an important empowering and healing step.

You will receive your first appointment within one week, and, in most cases, your evaluation report will be completed in 3-4 weeks.



- Evaluations start at $1,000

- Payment plans available.

- Payment options: Credit card, Venmo, Paypal & cash.